Monday, June 24, 2013

In the Red Drawing Room, June 14, 2013...... At ease, at home, all thoughts of you.

Author's program note. When was the last time you ensconced yourself in a favorite space and wrote a letter with ...

Delicious new developments in the riveting matter of 'Dr' Bogus Berlowicz asfinger pointing escalates at the abashed American Academy of Arts and Sciences.And don't we love it?

Author's program note. Funny how memory works. I hadn't thought of this incident for years... it concerned one of ...

Delicious new developments in the riveting matter of 'Dr' Bogus Berlowicz asfinger pointing escalates at the abashed American Academy of Arts and Sciences.And don't we love it?

Author's program note. Funny how memory works. I hadn't thought of this incident for years... it concerned one of ...

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Monday, June 17, 2013

'Some of these days, Oh, you'll miss me honey... your big fat mamma!' 'Dr.' Leslie Berlowitz' nonexistent doctorate roils one of the nation's most respected institutions and the 'little people' get their revenge.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Remember Leona Helmsley (1920-2007), widely known as "the Queen of Me ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch June 14, 2013.

George Kosch, bootcamp instructor welcomed Worldprofit Members to the LIVE training session.The number one qu ...

'Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me,' but only if you give them R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant .Author's program note.  I wrote this article because of the appalling news emanating f ...

Are you sick of dieting? WITHOUT SUCCESS!!

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions.c ...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Important message from the IRS to all taxpayers, 'tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999! You pay for everything but you can't come! Enjoy!'

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I was thinking of the Honorable Barack today and of how chagrine ...

Are you sick of dieting? WITH NO RESULTS?

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Perfecting the fine art of complaining.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Oh, my, she was angry, angry to the point of bursting, to the ...

Monday, June 3, 2013